What It Means to Trust the Universe?


What you need to know first!

Trust- trust (in something); the belief that something is true or correct or that you can rely on it.

Universe- the universe [singular]; the whole of space and everything in it, including the earth, the planets and the stars.

What does it mean?

"Trust the Universe" means believing that everything that has occurred and will occur is and will always be for the greater good of the universe. It is the belief that the universe has always governed itself and that your role in the universe is defined by your actions, thoughts, and activities. Additionally, it is the belief that whatever occurs to you or others was predestined. In other words, whatever happens was meant to happen!

Trusting the universe, as a believer and positive thinker, means not worrying about anything. Whatever the subject, I am optimistic about the future. Even if the outcome is deemed unfavorable, it is still considered positive. We must experience unfavorable outcomes in order to learn, grow, and evolve.

How do you trust the Universe?

Simply put, let go of expectations. Be optimistic about the future, but be aware of and mentally prepared for any eventuality. Trusting the universe entails believing that everything that occurs is and will continue to be for your greater good.

“Trust the Universe” is a positive statement. Let go of stress and worries! Trust that whatever happens was meant! Move forward in positivity!

However, to have complete trust in the universe is to have attained the pinnacle of optimism. It's accepting that whatever happened, had to happen. Even when the results are inexplicable or unjustifiable, it is understanding that it still happened for your greater good. To achieve this level of positivity, you must believe that you are a good person. Why? Because believing you are a good person implies that you believe you are deserving of good things and outcomes. So, when undesirable events occur, you are positive that it occurred because you had to learn something from the experience in order to grow, learn, and improve. This level of positivity is reflected in your actions, thoughts, and daily approach to life.

You are the only person to know if you are good person or not. Your thoughts create your reality. If you believe you are a good person but don't believe you deserve good things and outcomes, this is an indication of a mental health problem. Why do you believe you are a good person but don’t deserve good things?

If you believe you are not a good person, this is the area in which you should focus your efforts. This is significant because our thoughts shape the reality we live in. The universe accepts your beliefs and uses them to create your reality. You accept negative occurrences and consequences as normal if you believe you are not deserving.

Actions to Take!

Trusting the Universe starts with you! What do you trust the universe to do?

Everything takes time. We must reprogram our thinking to match the reality we desire to live in. With that being said, here is a list of things to work on in order to live more in harmony and trust the universe.

  • Forgive Yourself and Others- Everyday is a new day and therefore is a new version of you. The past is gone. Move pass the past! Forgive yourself and others. Do whatever you need to do to leave the past in the past. Let today and the future be the start of the new you.

  • Love Yourself- Love who you are! You are unique. You should be different in some type of way. Embrace your inner and outer beauty. By loving yourself you will begin to love your life and the things you don’t love, you will will begin to change.

  • Balance your thoughts- Let the universe determine the best outcome for you. For every negative thought balance it with a positive thought. Furthermore, find a positive aspect for everything deemed negative. With enough practice you will start thinking positive more and first.

  • Stop- It is best if you cease all negative activities and actions. If you believe, know, or feel you are doing something negative, you are releasing it to the universe. In the long run, you should naturally expect a negative return. How can you expect a positive outcome if you believe you are doing something negative? Furthermore, your negative actions will stay with you mentally for a longer period of time. From a young age, most people are programmed to know what is considered right and wrong, and we are taught and shown that wrong actions result in punishment. If you can’t overcome this programming, you will always be looking to be punished, sooner or later. The Universe will oblige.

Reprogramming takes time. The importance of determination, focus, and regular practice cannot be overstated. You must not become disheartened! To trust the universe, you must first love yourself, recognize that you are loved by the universe, and have faith in your future.


I trust the universe because I trust my destiny.


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