Who Am I?

Keeping it Physical

When asked, "Who are you?" most people aren't expecting a deep, spiritual response. So, let's keep it physical for now.

Apart from stating my name, I often find myself speechless when asked, "Who are you?" My brain gets stuck trying to figure out what they really want to know. I can tell you a lot about the person I am, but what's the subject matter?

That's why I like the moniker DaManIAm. It sums it up nicely: I AM the man I am! No need for awkward pauses or a mental breakdown. It's amusing that some individuals think my response is sarcastic or unkind, but it's just my way of keeping things simple until they ask what they really want to know.

When it comes to the physical aspect of life, the response to "Who are you?" is often just a collection of titles—titles you give yourself, ones others give you, or ones you earn simply by existing.

Some titles will never change as long as I exist. I am a human, male, father, son to my parents, and brother to my siblings. However, titles are only relevant to the situation in which they are being discussed and can never completely define who I am. Titles are merely labels that do not encompass the entirety of an individual's being.

I am the human I have become as a result of my existence and the decisions I’ve made. My identity is formed by my actions and how others perceive me. I AM who you see me as, and much more. I cannot be defined by titles alone.

When a man no longer confuses himself with the definition of himself that others have given him, he is at once universal and unique.
— Alan Watts

In Reference to this Website…

I am a conscious being who desires to truly understand what we are and where we are. I now realize that the stories I was told about our existence were never proven or fact-checked; they were just believed. As a child, I wasn’t old enough to question what adults were telling me. But as an adult, I feel it is my responsibility to provide accurate information to my children and the youth. To ensure I am not leading them to adopt erroneous beliefs, I am committed to doing the work and justifying my beliefs by presenting my information in a sensible, readable, and precise manner. I am here to document and share who I am, my spiritual journey, and the lessons I have learned along the way.

I AM who I have become as a result of my physical existence.

I Am Who I Am.