What Am I?

I Am Conscious Energy.

It is my understanding that everything in our universe is energy. So, the energy that created the universe lives in all things. Therefore, I AM a form of energy that has become aware of itself. The fact that I have the capability to hold a consciousness means that consciousness existed before my creation.

What was the first energy form to gain a consciousness? Either consciousness existed at the time of creation or consciousness developed overtime.

If consciousness developed overtime, what was the first energy form to gain a consciousness and what was its influence on the continued creation process?

If conscious energy created our universe, then it is the creator of our universe.

In either case, this energy form has been given the name God by many people. Whatever name you elect to give this conscious energy, it is apart of all of us.

My consciousness is the a unique, individual spark (energy) of the Creator's essence. Since the creation of my energy, I have been collecting information from all of my experiences. This information is what makes me unique. We can all share experiences, but our emotions, thoughts, and perspectives on those experiences will differ. I Am what I have become based on my ability to hold a consciousness and my experiences.

I am currently experiencing a physical life as DaManIAm.